Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Grilled Chicken and Potatoes

Last Sunday, I took up the task of cooking lunch to provide some respite to Mili who has to slog all the week. For a very dumb cook like me, you would think microwave is the greatest help. But I haven't mastered the microwave art - it has been limited to warming up leftovers. But I use it to thaw the frozen chicken. For a half kg. chicken (four drumsticks), it takes around 15 minutes in the defrost mode.

Depending on your preference, you can leave the skin on or remove it. For coating the chicken prepare a mixture of 1 tablespoon fine semolina (or ground rice), half teaspoons of chilly powder and turmeric powder. Take an egg and break it in a bowl, mix the yellow and white well. Add a pinch of salt to both the coating mixture as well as the egg. You can also apply a bit of salt on the chicken directly. Dip the chicken drumsticks one by one in the egg and then coat with the semolina mixture. Cut the potatoes in four pieces (leave their skin on) and similar to the chicken pieces, coat them too. Things are ready to go in the grill now. Add some oil on the chicken and potatoes and put them in the grill on medium heat for 6-7 minutes. Turn everything once and continue grilling for another 6-7 minutes. Check if it is done and continue grilling for 2-3 minutes, if required. That's it, ready to serve and make your wife/partner/friends happy.

Please let me know if you were ever to try this and any variations you may do.

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